Spousal Support In Virginia: How It Can Help You Recover From A Virginia Divorce

Going through a divorce can be devastating. In addition to the emotional impacts, there may be serious concerns over how you will financially recover and support yourself in the aftermath. Spousal support may be an option. Our Virginia spousal support lawyer explains more about your rights to these payments in a Virginia divorce and how they are designed to help you.
Your Rights To Spousal Support In Virginia
The aftermath of a divorce in Virginia can be one of the most difficult times in your life. Unfortunately, you may be facing serious financial security, especially if your spouse made significantly more than you or you relied on them as the sole breadwinner.
Under the Virginia Code, you may be entitled to spousal support. These are payments determined by the court and designated for a specific time period, designed to help you get back on your feet financially after a divorce.
In determining your rights to spousal support, the court will consider factors such as your and your spouse’s income and individual property and assets, whether you made career sacrifices in support of your partner, and the amount of time you were married. Additional factors that could impact the judge’s decision include:
- Adultery: Adultery and other types of marital misconduct could disqualify you from receiving spousal support.
- Being willfully under or unemployed: You are less likely to get spousal support if you have the skills and resources needed to reenter the workforce but choose not to.
- You are raising children from the marriage: In this case, the judge may order spousal support in addition to any child support payments you may be entitled to.
How Spousal Support In Virginia Is Designed To Help You
If you are considering filing for a divorce through the Loudoun County Court, speak with our legal team regarding your rights to spousal support. There are three ways in which it is designed to help you recover from a divorce in Virginia:
- Temporary spousal support: This may be awarded while you are separated and for a designated period after your divorce. It can help in making the initial adjustment to ending your marriage.
- Rehabilitative spousal support: This is designed to help cover your costs while you gain the education, skills, or experience needed to reenter the workforce and reach a reasonable income level.
- Permanent spousal support: Often reserved for long-term marriages that end in a divorce, this helps you maintain your standard of living on a permanent basis, ending only on the death of your former spouse or when you remarry.
Request A Consultation With Our Virginia Spousal Support Attorney
Spousal support can help you recover financially from a divorce in Virginia. At Schwartz Kalina, PLLC, we provide the experienced, local legal representation you need to get the total amount you are entitled to. Contact us today to request a consultation with our Virginia family attorney.