Requesting Changes In Leesburg Child Custody Agreements

For parents who are divorced or unmarried and living apart, child custody agreements dictate the amount of time each party gets to spend with their child. In issuing a child custody order in Loudoun County, the judge will consider numerous factors in the case. However, circumstances can change once the order is put in place. Depending on the situation, you may be able to go back to court and request a child custody modification
Problems That Can Prompt Changes In Your Child Custody Order
Judges in child custody cases consider various factors before approving any arrangements or issuing a final order. This includes each parent’s current and prior role in their child’s life, their proven ability to provide for their needs, and their willingness to cooperate with each other in sharing parenting duties.
Once a formal child custody order is in place, both parties are required to follow it. However, there are times when a significant change in circumstances may entitle you to request a child custody modification under the Virginia Code. Common issues that often necessitate changes in child custody arrangements include:
- Changes in the parent’s work schedule or place of employment;
- Changes in their family situation, such as having additional children or caring for a sick family member;
- Changes in their own health, which can impact their ability to provide for the child.
In addition to the above, problems can arise which can put your child or your parenting rights at risk. You may be entitled to a child support modification in situations where the other parent engages in dangerous behavior, such as criminal activity or drug and alcohol abuse, or if they threaten you or the child in any way. You may also request a modification if they repeatedly refuse to cooperate with you or otherwise fail to comply with the current child custody order.
Requesting A Child Custody Modification
To request a child custody modification in Leesburg, you will need to file the appropriate legal documents through the Loudoun County Family Court. You and the other parent will also need to appear at hearings where each side will be given the opportunity to make their case, providing reasons why the current child custody order should or should not be changed. Common types of evidence that can be used in these proceedings include:
- Your own statements, in which you detail dates and times where the other parent either put the child at risk or failed to adhere to the order;
- Statements from friends or family members who have knowledge of the situation;
- Statements from teachers, doctors, or other professionals who interact with the child;
- Police reports or other types of evidence that detail problems that have occurred.
Contact Us Today for Help
When it comes to protecting your children and your rights as a parent, you can count on Schwartz Kalina, PLLC. to act as a strong legal advocate on your side. To discuss the details surrounding your situation and the options available, call or contact our Leesburg child custody attorneys online and request a consultation today.