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Leesburg Divorce Attorney > Blog > Divorce > Getting Through The Holidays When Going Through A Divorce

Getting Through The Holidays When Going Through A Divorce


Thanksgiving generally serves as the kick-off for the winter holidays. If you are in the process of going through a divorce in Loudoun County, you may not feel like celebrating. It is understandable to feel a sense of dread, particularly when so much in your life has changed. Find out what you can do now to make this year a little easier on yourself.

Dealing With The Holidays During Divorce

Depending on the circumstances surrounding your situation, the amount of time it takes to get a divorce varies. In uncontested cases, where there are no children, property, or other assets, you may be able to file for divorce in as little as six (6) months. In a contested case, it could take longer. In either situation, if you have recently filed for divorce or been served by your spouse, your case will extend throughout the holiday season.

Dealing with a divorce can put a damper on family get-togethers and social occasions at this time of year. One of the most important things you can do is acknowledge the major changes in your life and make yourself the top priority. Psychology Today offers these tips:

  • Accept that you may feel hurt, angry, or depressed this season and allow yourself time to grieve the end of your marriage.
  • Resist worrying about others or how they will react if you do not do things you normally would or decline invitations.
  • Try to avoid nostalgic thinking about the past. Remember why you are getting a divorce and focus on how you want your life to look in the future.
  • Avoid judging your ‘insides’ based on other people’s ‘outsides’. Remember that many people have marital problems and struggle with anxiety and depression at this time of year.

Practical Issues This Holiday Season

If you have filed a divorce petition or are otherwise currently going through the process of getting a divorce through the Loudoun County Court, there are some practical issues that may come up this holiday season. These include:

  • Financial problems: If you previously relied on your spouse as the sole breadwinner or they make significantly more than you, speak with our divorce attorney regarding your rights to spousal support.
  • The urge to reconcile: Emotions run high over the holidays and it is not uncommon for divorcing couples to feel an urge to reconcile, even if only temporarily. Be aware that this can jeopardize your rights in divorce.
  • Increased arguments: It is also not uncommon for your relationship to become even more strained at this time of year. Avoid arguments or any discussions without your attorney present.
  • Issues with children: Discuss holiday arrangements with our divorce attorney before making any plans.

Let Us Help You Today

Going through a divorce during the holidays is difficult but you do not need to go through it alone. To find out how Schwartz Kalina, PLLC can help, reach out and call or contact our Leesburg divorce attorneys online and request a consultation.

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