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Leesburg Divorce Attorney > Blog > Divorce > Dating And Divorce In Virginia: Dos And Don’ts

Dating And Divorce In Virginia: Dos And Don’ts


After spending years in an unhappy and unfulfilling marriage, getting a divorce can give you the opportunity to start over and build a new life. This includes establishing new relationships. Dating is often viewed with a mix of apprehension and excitement. Whether you are eager to reenter the dating scene or plan on taking a more cautious approach, there are some important things you need to be aware of. Our divorce attorney offers dating dos and don’ts that can help in protecting yourself and your rights.

Dating Don’ts: What Not To Do When Getting A Divorce In Virginia

Dating is a complex issue in divorce. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your marriage and the length of time you and your spouse have been separated, you may feel justified in seeking the company of others. However, whether you approach dating casually or with the intent of getting into another relationship, there are some important things you should not do.

One of the biggest concerns is dating while you wait for your divorce to become final. Until you get a formal divorce order, you are still considered to be married to your spouse. Dating during divorce can be viewed as adultery and, under the Virginia Code, could work against you in legal proceedings. It also serves as a major distraction, preventing you from focusing on yourself and resolving  important issues, and could jeopardize your rights regarding marital property division, alimony, and child custody.

In addition to avoiding dating until your divorce becomes final, other important dating don’ts include:

  • Don’t use dating as a means of exacting revenge or making your former spouse jealous;
  • Don’t use dating as a means to avoid focusing on yourself and your problems;
  • Don’t idealize potential dating problems or ignore obvious warning signs;
  • Don’t push children into being friendly with people you date or making introductions to soon.

Taking The Right Approach To Dating After Divorce

Once a final divorce order is issued through the Loudoun County Family Court, you are technically clear to begin dating. However, to protect your own best interests and avoid future problems, follow these tips:

  • Do get counseling or whatever other support services you need to resolve any conflicts you still carry about your marriage;
  • Do give yourself time to adjust to living alone and the demands of supporting yourself and/or being a single parent;
  • Do focus on yourself and rediscovering your likes, interests, and hobbies;
  • Do take your time in regards to dating relationships, and avoid rushing into anything serious too soon after your divorce.

Reach Out To Our Virginia Divorce Attorney

At Schwartz Kalina, PLLC., we provide the caring support and trusted legal representation you need throughout the divorce process, helping you get the best possible outcome so that you can get a fresh start on a new life. To discuss your options, request a consultation with our  divorce attorney. Reach out and call or contact us online  today.




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