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Leesburg Divorce Attorney > Blog > Divorce > Coronavirus Pandemic Continues To Impact Leesburg Divorce Cases

Coronavirus Pandemic Continues To Impact Leesburg Divorce Cases


In Leesburg, life is slowly beginning to return to normal in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic. Stores, restaurants, and other service providers are in Phase 2 of reopening while government offices and agencies have resumed normal business. Couples who may have considered getting a divorce in the previous months but delayed filing due to court closures and other coronavirus-related concerns are now free to move forward with their plans. However, many people continue to suffer impacts as a result of the pandemic. These could end up affecting any settlements or orders issued in your divorce case.

Pandemic-Related Problems Can Impact Your Divorce Settlement

In any divorce case, there are certain issues that must be resolved before a final divorce order can be issued. The deal with money, property, and the care of children. The outcome of these proceedings can end up impacting you now and for years to come.

During the pandemic, the Loudoun County Family Court operated on a limited basis. Now that phased reopening has begun, couples may now resume the divorce process and begin addressing some of the issues in their particular case. Unfortunately, they may find that pandemic-related problems complicate these matters. Areas affected are likely to include:

  • Division of marital property and assets: Under the Virginia Code, all marital property must be divided between the spouses in the event of a divorce. In addition to homes, cars, and other belongings, this includes any savings, investments, pension plans, and funds in other financial accounts. If pandemic-related business closures and fluctuations in the stock market took a toll on your marital finances, this could jeopardize the amount you are entitled to in your divorce settlement.
  • Division of marital debts: In addition to dividing property and assets between divorcing couples, any marital debts will need to be divided as well. Financial problems due to the pandemic may have caused you to fall behind on certain bills or to take on additional payments. These need to be settled before your divorce is finalized.
  • Spousal support and maintenance: If you make significantly less than your spouse or sacrificed your own career for the sake of the marriage, you may be entitled to spousal support, otherwise known as alimony. Unfortunately, job losses and reductions in hours could impact the amount that is ordered.
  • Child custody and support: Negotiations regarding child custody and visitation often play a major role in divorce. Sadly, the stress of the pandemic may have brought out the worst in your spouse, causing them to explode in fits of anger or overindulge in alcohol. This could be an issue when determining custody and visitation. Additionally, reduced wages may be an issue when it comes to child support payments.

Contact Us Today for Help

At the office of Schwartz Kalina, PLLC, we can help you successfully deal with any pandemic-related issues that arise in your case. Our top priority is to ensure your rights and best interests are protected. To schedule a consultation, contact our Leesburg divorce attorneys today.


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