Common Types Of Spousal Support You May Be Entitled To In A Leesburg Divorce

In addition to the emotional impacts you may be dealing with as a result of a divorce in Leesburg, you likely have concerns about the heavy toll it can take on your personal finances. Adjusting to living on one income often proves challenging both during divorce proceedings and in the months following a final divorce order, particularly if your spouse was the primary breadwinner. Fortunately, our Loudoun County divorce attorneys may be able to arrange for spousal support payments during this time, which can help you maintain your current standard of living while you make the adjustment to being single again.
Eligibility For Spousal Support In Loudoun County
Spousal support is frequently referred to as alimony in other states. It provides regular payments from one spouse to the other in the event of a divorce and may be awarded on either a temporary or permanent basis. In addition to any marital property settlements you receive, a spousal support order can help to maintain your financial security in the aftermath of a divorce.
Are you entitled to spousal support in Loudoun County? Under the Virginia Statutes, factors a judge will likely consider in making this determination include:
- The length of your marriage;
- The total amount of income each person earns;
- Any premarital property they possess;
- Each party’s contributions to the marriage;
- Whether one of the parties sacrificed their own career or education for the sake of the other or to care for children from the marriage;
- Whether either of them engaged in marital misconduct.
If your spouse engaged in marital misconduct and spent money you would otherwise be entitled to on gambling, addictions, or affairs, this could increase your chances of being awarded spousal support. However, if you engaged in marital misconduct, you need to discuss it with our Loudoun County divorce attorneys immediately as it could jeopardize your rights to spousal support payments.
Types of Spousal Support In Loudoun County
In divorce proceedings held through the Loudoun County Court, there are three common types of alimony or spousal support payments you may be entitled to receive:
- Temporary spousal support: This may be ordered throughout your divorce proceedings and prior to a final order.
- Rehabilitative alimony: This is ordered for a period of time once your divorce becomes final. It allows you to make the adjustment to living on your own and enables you to get the education or experience you need to reenter the workforce.
- Permanent alimony: if you were in a long-term marriage, permanent alimony may be awarded to help ensure you can maintain your prior standard of living. This lasts indefinitely, provided you do not remarry.
Contact Us Today for Help
Spousal support can play a major role in helping you financially recover from a divorce. At Schwartz Kalina, PLLC, we provide the trusted guidance and professional legal representation you need to get the maximum amount you deserve. Give us a call or contact our Leesburg divorce attorneys online and request a confidential consultation today.