Child Custody Problems In Loudoun County: Dealing With Different Parenting Styles

Parenting children is rarely easy. Couples may feel differently in regards to parenting styles and discipline. This has the potential to cause major problems, particularly in regard to child custody arrangements. Our Leesburg child custody attorney explains common issues that can arise and may prompt changes in your parenting plan.
Three Common Types of Parenting Styles
There are numerous parenting books and people may draw from these and their own upbringing when it comes to raising their children. In general, the American Psychological Association (APA) states that parenting styles generally fall into one of the following three categories:
- Authoritative: These people are capable of being loving parents but are firm when it comes to rules and expectations. They are also more likely to dismiss the child’s viewpoints or feelings, with the justification that they know best.
- Permissive: These parents may take a child-led approach, with a focus on encouraging creativity and protecting the child’s feelings. This can have positive benefits but may fall short when problems arise.
- Uninvolved: These parents may not have much involvement with their children or interest in improving their parenting skills. They often shift the burden of the child’s care and discipline to the other parent, grandparents, or teachers.
Most parents are able to strike a balance when it comes to being authoritative or permissive and their involvement in the child’s life. Problems can arise in child custody arrangements when the parents fall into different categories or when one is overly rigid and unwilling to compromise in regards to their parenting style.
When Disputes Over Parenting Styles Prompt Changes In Loudoun County Child Custody Arrangements
Once a child custody order in Loudoun County has been issued by the court, both parents are obligated to follow it. However, if the other parent fails to cooperate or takes actions that could potentially put the child at risk, you may be entitled to request modifications.
Under the Virginia Code, circumstances that could prompt a return to court and changes in your parenting plan and child custody agreement include:
- When a permissive parent defers to the child’s wishes rather than following the terms of the parenting plan, undermines the other parent’s authority, or allows the child to engage in potentially dangerous behavior.
- When an authoritative parent goes overboard in regards to discipline, such as screaming at the child, calling them names or making other hurtful statements, engages in physical abuse, or withholds providing for the child’s basic needs.
- When an uninvolved parent neglects the child, their obligations under the parenting plan, or otherwise refuses to cooperate with a child custody order.
Discuss Your Case With Our Loudoun County Child Custody Attorneys
When conflicts arise over child custody, Schwartz Kalina, PLLC. can take the legal actions needed to ensure both you and your children are protected. To discuss the circumstances surrounding your case and the options available, call or contact our Leesburg child custody attorneys online and request a consultation.