Begin Planning Now For Summer Child Time-Sharing In Virginia

While most Virginia residents are eagerly looking forward to the coming of spring, it may seem a little early to start thinking of summer. However, time tends to pass quickly, and before you know it, children in our area will be out of school. This can present challenges for any parent, particularly those that are single or divorced and have child time-sharing arrangements in place. Our child time-sharing attorney explains details you may want to plan for now and offers tips to guide you through the process.
Including Summer Arrangements In Your Parenting Plan
In cases of divorced or single parents, the Virginia Code generally encourages time-sharing. While these arrangements depend on individual factors in the case, they can help ensure both parents continue to play an active and engaged role in the child’s life.
In making child time-sharing arrangements, a parenting plan is typically created. This dictates the amount of time the child spends in each parent’s home during the week, as well as rights to extended visits on holidays, school breaks, and other special occasions.
Special arrangements should be considered as part of your parenting plan to deal with the changes in schedule that often occur over the summer months. This includes:
- Extending the amount of time the child spends with one or both parents;
- Provisions for child care, summer camp, and other activities;
- Addressing issues likely to arise when planning summer vacations;
- Determining whether drop-off and pick-up arrangements need modifying as well.
Making Plans Now For The Summer Months
While summer may still be long months away, the time to begin planning for changes in child time-sharing arrangements is now. Factors you will want to consider include:
- Your work schedule and any flexibility you and the other parent have on the job;
- Determining whether additional child care is needed and seeking out babysitting, daycare centers, and other providers;
- Signing your child up for camp and other fun summer activities to occupy their time;
- Finalizing dates for your summer vacation and making the necessary arrangements.
Negotiating summer child time-sharing arrangements with the other parent is often challenging, which is why some of the details should be included in your parenting plan. However, unexpected issues can arise and you can only plan so far in advance for some things. Remaining flexible, keeping lines of communication open with the other party, and putting your child’s best interests first can help you in the process.
Our Virginia Child Time-Sharing Attorney Is Here To Help
Whether you are in the midst of negotiating child time-sharing arrangements or have a parenting plan in place but need trusted legal guidance in making modifications for the summer months, Schwartz Kalina, PLLC is here to help. Our divorce attorney helps to ensure your rights as a parent and your child’s best interests are protected. Give us a call or contact us online to request a confidential consultation today.