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Leesburg Divorce Attorney > Blog > Divorce > Five Ways COVID-19 May Change Divorce In Loudoun County in 2021

Five Ways COVID-19 May Change Divorce In Loudoun County in 2021


Between health concerns over COVID-19, changes in our lifestyles due to social distancing measures, and the economic impact of stay home orders, COVID-19 has impacted every area of our lives. If you are considering getting a divorce in Leesburg, it is important to be aware of some of the changes brought about by the pandemic and how these could impact your case.

How COVID-19 May Impact Your Leesburg Divorce

According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 350,000 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in Virginia. While a vaccine is now available, overall case counts are expected to increase throughout the beginning of 2021. As a result, there are still impacts we will all continue to face. Some of affecting the process of getting a divorce in Leesburg include:

  1. An increase in divorce filings.

A December 2020 report by Psychology Today states that while the stress of COVID-19 caused many couples to consider divorce over the past year, the situation surrounding the pandemic kept them from filing. Expect to see a general increase in divorce over 2021.

  1. The divorce process itself.

While businesses have reopened and courts have gone back to much of their usual routines, COVID-19 continues to impact the divorce process. Divorce-related negotiations may be held online or over the telephone and social distancing measures adopted by the Loudoun County divorce court impact how divorce petitions are filed and the scheduling of hearings.

  1. Division of marital property, assets, and debts.

As a result of COVID-19, many couples have faced problems paying their mortgages and racked up additional debts. They may also have had to surrender certain types of property or assets. This has the potential to impact you in marital property division proceedings in your divorce, affecting the overall amount you may be entitled to in any settlements.

  1. Your rights to spousal support.

If your spouse makes considerably more than you or you sacrificed your own career for the marriage, you may be entitled to spousal support. However, job losses and general reductions in income due to the pandemic could impact the amount you receive.

  1. Child custody and child support.

While judges in divorce cases generally aim to have both parents remain active and involved in their child’s life, concerns over COVID and social distancing recommendations could impact these arrangements. Financial problems due to the pandemic could also impact the amount of child support you are entitled to and the other parent’s ability to pay.

Let Us Help You Today

Schwartz Kalina, PLLC. has remained dedicated to helping clients through the process of getting a divorce during the pandemic and we continue to be here in the new year to provide the trusted guidance and professional legal representation you need. Call or contact our Leesburg divorce attorney online and request a consultation to discuss your case today.



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