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Leesburg Divorce Attorney > Blog > Child Custody > Parental Alienation In Virginia Child Custody Cases

Parental Alienation In Virginia Child Custody Cases


Child custody is one of the most sensitive issues dealt with by the Loudoun County Family Court. While parents may not get along, they are encouraged to put their personal feelings aside and work together for the sake of their child or children.

Unfortunately, some are incapable of doing this, and attempt to turn the child against their other parent. This is referred to as parental alienation. Our Virginia divorce lawyer explains how it occurs and the impact it can have on parental rights.

How Parental Alienation Happens

Child custody disputes can arise in cases of divorce or unmarried parents. Under the Virginia Code, the court’s primary concern is protecting the best interests of the child. In general, joint custody arrangements allow both parents to continue playing an active role in the child’s life. Of course, these arrangements depend on the specific circumstances involved.

Unfortunately, once a child custody order is in place, one of the parents may attempt to turn the child against the other. This often includes:

  • Telling the child the other parent is responsible for the breakup;
  • Bad-mouthing the parent in the child’s presence;
  • Refusing to abide by established schedules;
  • Encouraging the child to not comply with the other parent’s rules and requests;
  • Attempting to bribe children with extravagant gifts and activities;
  • Otherwise driving a wedge between the other parent and the child.

This type of behavior is known as parental alienation. It can be perpetrated by parents, grandparents, or others involved. Parental alienation is a violation of the child custody agreement and could result in the loss of parental rights.

Your Rights When You And Your Child Are Victims Of Parental Alienation In Virginia

The primary concern of the Loudoun County Family Court is ensuring children are protected. Parental alienation can have devastating impacts on the targeted parent as well as on the child, creating insecurity and self-esteem issues.

When it happens, let our Loudoun County child custody attorney know right away. We can take the legal actions needed to prevent it. Parental alienation is a valid reason for returning to court and requesting modifications to your current child custody arrangements. Penalties the other parent could face include:

  • Restrictions on the amount of time they get to spend with the child;
  • Restrictions against exposing them to certain people who have encouraged parental alienation;
  • Requiring the offending parent to take parenting classes;
  • Requiring supervised visits;
  • Eventual loss of parental rights if the offending behavior continues.

Request A Consultation With Our Virginia Child Custody Attorney Today

Parental alienation is a serious problem in child custody cases. It can jeopardize your child’s well-being and your relationship with them for years into the future. To prevent it from happening, get our experienced Virginia child custody attorney on your side.

At Schwartz Kalina, PLLC., we provide the caring support and professional legal representation needed to protect you and your child in this situation. Call or contact us online today to request a consultation.




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