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Monthly Archives: September 2024


Enforcing Child Support Payments In Virginia

By Schwartz Kalina, PLLC |

Raising a child is expensive. Between food, clothing, and other costs, by the time they are eighteen, you will have easily spent six figures. Doing this is difficult on two incomes, let alone one. If you are divorced or a single parent in Virginia, our Loudoun County child support attorney explains why it is… Read More »

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Six Tips For Successfully Navigating Divorce Mediation In Virginia

By Schwartz Kalina, PLLC |

Filing for a divorce in Loudoun County is rarely easy. After everything that happened during your marriage, you may be eager to put this chapter of your life behind you. Before you can get a final divorce order in Virginia, there are important legal matters that must be addressed in court. Our Loudoun County… Read More »

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Joint Custody In Virginia: Six Potentially Sensitive Issues To Consider

By Schwartz Kalina, PLLC |

As a parent, one of the most challenging aspects of a divorce or separation in Virginia is how it could impact your children. Joint custody allows both parents to be active and involved in their child’s life, but negotiating these arrangements takes work. Our Loudoun County child custody attorney outlines six potentially sensitive areas… Read More »

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